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The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_lcapThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Voting_barThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_rcap 
The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_lcapThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Voting_barThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_rcap 
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The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_lcapThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Voting_barThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_rcap 
The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_lcapThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Voting_barThe Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Vote_rcap 
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MessaggioTitolo: The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan )   The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Icon_minitime2014-12-13, 10:22

The Prestige

The Prestige è un film del 2006 diretto da Christopher Nolan, tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Christopher Priest.
Presentato nella sezione Première della Festa del Cinema di Roma 2006, è uscito nelle sale italiane il 22 dicembre 2006
Londra, 1902. L'illusionista Robert Angier viene in possesso del diario del collega Alfred Borden, detenuto in galera. Leggendo tra le pagine in cerca del suo numero più riuscito, il "trasporto umano", ripercorre gli anni di astio e rivalità avuti in passato, quando i due giovani erano semplici aiuti di mister Cutter, uno scenografo esperto in illusionismo, presso il teatro Orpheum di Londra.
L'antefatto si svolge in un teatro, in cui il mago Milton sta presentando un numero detto "fuga subacquea": la sua assistente Julia, legata mani e piedi da due "volontari" (in realtà sono altri due assistenti, suo marito Robert Angier e Alfred Borden), deve fuggire da una cabina piena d'acqua. Prima dell'esibizione, Borden e Julia avevano deciso di sperimentare una diversa legatura, per spezzare la monotonia, e nonostante le rimostranze di Angier, questo costò la vita alla ragazza. Angier ritenne responsabile Borden, e da allora i due si separarono, intraprendendo carriere di illusionista separatamente: mentre Angier diviene famoso comeIl Grande Dantòn, Borden si fa chiamare Il Professore e si esibisce, accompagnato dall'inseparabile collaboratore Fellon, in teatri fatiscenti. In uno di questi conosce Sarah, che diventa sua moglie. Tra i suoi numeri vi è anche l'"afferraproiettile", pericoloso gesto con un'arma da fuoco e la collaborazione del pubblico. Proprio Angier partecipa ad una di queste esibizioni, travestito da spettatore, e sabotando il numero provoca la perdita di due dita della mano a Borden. Nel frattempo, durante l'ascesa di Angier, anche Borden sale sul palco, travestito, per sabotare a sua volta un trucco del rivale.
Borden debutta con il numero del "trasporto umano": l'illusionista attraversa una porta e ricompare da un'altra porta, nella zona opposta del palco, quasi istantaneamente. Entusiasta, Angier vuole rubargli il numero, ma Cutter gli spiega che è possibile solo avendo un sosia. Angier si affida così ad un attore in bolletta che gli assomiglia, e presenta così una propria versione del numero di Borden, ma più sofisticata e scenografica, e incanta il pubblico. L'uomo resta però ossessionato dal voler scoprire il trucco di Borden: prima invia una ragazza a spiarlo, Olivia, che finisce però col diventare l'amante di Borden; poi arriva a rapire Fellon, e ottiene così la chiave: Nikola Tesla. Angier si reca a Colorado Springs per incontrare lo scienziato, chiedendogli di costruire ciò che è convinto di aver visto negli appunti del rivale: una macchina per il teletrasporto. Lo scienziato costruisce quindi un prototipo, che si rivela invece in grado non di spostare oggetti, ma di crearne copie. Intanto Sarah sospetta il tradimento del marito, che si comporta sempre in maniera strana, e arriva a togliersi la vita. Anche Olivia percepisce il comportamento discontinuo di Borden, ed in seguito lo abbandona per la sua freddezza.
Tornato a Londra, Angier si esibisce con successo grazie alla macchina di Tesla. Curioso, Borden si introduce dietro le quinte per capire cosa accade quando Angier scompare, e scopre che grazie ad una botola sul palco, Angier cade in una vasca, dove annega, mentre la sua copia appare tra il pubblico. Borden vede l'uomo affogare e tenta invano di salvarlo: verrà invece arrestato con l'accusa di omicidio, e condannato a morte per impiccagione.
Senza parenti, la figlia di Borden, Jess, rischia di finire in orfanotrofio, ma il misterioso Lord Coldrow afferma che si occuperà della piccola in cambio del segreto per il "trasporto umano". Borden accetta, e quando lo incontra si accorge che altri non è che Angier, o meglio il suo clone apparso dietro le quinte durante l'ultimo spettacolo. Borden urla quindi ai secondini che l'uomo non è realmente morto annegato nella vasca, ma nessuno gli dà retta; poco dopo viene impiccato terminando la sua vita con la fatidica parola "Abracadabra". In seguito anche Cutter scopre che Angier è vivo, e dopo avergli manifestato il suo dissenso, lo aiuta a distruggere la macchina di Tesla. Solo nei sotterranei del teatro, Angier vede ricomparire Borden che finalmente rivela la vera chiave del suo trucco del "trasporto umano", un'ipotesi ritenuta inizialmente da Angier troppo banale. Il collaboratore Fellon è in realtà un suo fratello gemello, e nel corso degli anni si erano sempre scambiati i ruoli, non solo sul palco, in cui scomparivano e riapparivano a turno, ma anche le vite e le compagne, Sarah amata da uno, Olivia dall'altro. Borden spara ad Angier, uccidendolo, ed è pronto ad iniziare una vita normale con la figlia. Il teatro va a fuoco e la luce delle fiamme rivela decine di vasche in cui galleggiano i cadaveri dei vari cloni di Angier creati nelle repliche di successo del suo spettacolo.

The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) The_prestige
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The Prestige is a 2006 drama film directed by Christopher Nolan, from a screenplay adapted by him and his brother Jonathan Nolan from Christopher Priest's 1995 World Fantasy Award-winning novel of the same name. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the end of the 19th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in competitive one-upmanship with tragic results.
The American-British co-production features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier, Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Piper Perabo, Andy Serkis, and Rebecca Hall. The film reunites Nolan with actors Bale and Caine from Batman Begins, and returning cinematographer Wally Pfister, production designer Nathan Crowley, film score composer David Julyan, and editor Lee Smith.
The film was released on October 20, 2006, receiving positive reviews and strong box office results, and received Academy Award nominations for Best Cinematography and Best Art Direction. Along with The Illusionistand ScoopThe Prestige was one of three films in 2006 to explore the world of stage magicians.
A magician performs an illusion for a young girl explaining that each trick has three parts; The Pledge, where the audience is presented with an ordinary object; The Turn, where the object is turned into something extraordinary; and The Prestige, where the object is brought back.
Magician Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) is sentenced to death for the murder of rival Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) by drowning him in a water tank during Angier's performance. Both began their careers as shills for "Milton the Magician" with ingénieur John Cutter (Michael Caine) and Angier's wife Julia. The pair observe an elderly Asian magician who is able to make a large fishbowl appear seemingly from nothing. Borden realizes that the man's frailty is in fact the act and comments how true magic requires commitment and sacrifice.
Julia drowns in a tank during a water escape performance. Angier blames Borden, who cannot recall if he tied her with an experimental knot. The two go on to lead separate careers. Borden becomes "The Professor" with the enigmatic Bernard Fallon as his ingénieur while Angier becomes "The Great Danton" with new love Olivia Wenscombe and Cutter. Borden meets and marries Sarah and they have a daughter, Jess, incensing Angier. Angier sabotages Borden's bullet catch, costing Borden two fingers. Borden then ruins Angier's bird cage act, maiming an audience member and damaging Angier's reputation.
Borden soon begins performing an impressive trick called The Transported Man, where he enters one cabinet and exits another across the stage. Cutter insists that Borden is using a double, which Angier refuses to accept. Nevertheless, Angier begins performing The New Transported Man using a double but becomes frustrated at ending up below the stage while his double receives the applause. Angier sends Olivia to discover Borden’s secret, but she instead grows close to Borden. Borden sabotages Angier on stage, crippling his leg, and begins performing The Original Transported Man with Olivia, allowing him to stage it more successfully.
Olivia sends Angier an encrypted diary which supposedly contains the secret to Borden's trick. Angier and Cutter kidnap Fallon to force Borden to give the key to the cypher. Upon learning that the key word is "Tesla", Angier pursues Nikola Tesla to Colorado Springs alone as Cutter abandons him to his obsession, and Angier enlists Tesla to make a copy of the teleportation machine that he believed Borden used. Angier deciphers Borden's diary and discovers it to be a fraud that Borden had Olivia give him and is further angered when the machine fails. However, he and Tesla soon discover that the machine actually works by creating an exact duplicate of whatever is placed inside it. After rival Thomas Edison sends henchmen to torch his lab, Tesla leaves, warning Angier to destroy it. Meanwhile, Borden's pursuits drive Sarah to hang herself: there are hints that Borden's dual identity has become known to Sarah—she asked to meet Olivia to tell her "the truth."
Angier returns to London, electrifying audiences with The Real Transported Man, vanishing within the machine and reappearing in the back of the hall. In reality, Angier falls through a trap door and plunges into a water cell tank, drowning, while his duplicate reappears; the tanks are disposed of by blind stage hands every night. Borden witnesses Angier drown while slipping backstage to discover his secret but is caught and convicted of murder of Angier in the tank. In prison, Borden is visited by the agent of a Lord Caldlow, who offers to care for Jess in exchange for Borden's secrets. Borden is given Angier's diary and finds his conviction has been orchestrated by Angier, recognizing Lord Caldlow as Angier when he comes to collect the secret. Instead, Angier no longer needs them, rips them and leaves with Jess. Borden is hanged, after encouraging Fallon to live for them both. Cutter learns that Caldlow has bought all of Angier's tricks, including the machine, and visits Caldlow to plead for its destruction. He recognizes Angier, who admitted earlier to Borden he has always been Lord Caldlow (he had used the name Robert Angier to spare his family the embarrassment of his theatrical career). Cutter is disgusted with Angier for letting Borden hang and taking Borden's daughter.
Cutter accompanies Angier as he stores the machine beneath the theater with the rest of the "prestige materials." On his way out, Cutter recognises and nods to Fallon as he enters. Angier is shot, and sees his shooter is missing two fingers and has Borden's face. He then realizes that "Borden" was actually identical twins who shared their lives on stage and off. Just as they took turns being the man in the box and the prestige, they took turns being Borden and (by wearing makeup) Fallon. When one twin lost his fingers because of Angier, the other had his brother remove his own so they could continue to look alike in order to keep up the illusion there was only one Borden. One twin (the one alive) loved Sarah and was the girl's father, while the other twin (the one hanged) loved Olivia. So they each had half of a full life, which was enough for them but not the women they loved. He berates Angier for not knowing what true sacrifice for a good trick means, and that it takes nothing to steal someone else's work. Angier explains that it took courage to enter the machine every night not knowing if he'd be the man in the box or the one in The Prestige. Borden leaves him to die as a fire consumes the building, casting light on rows of tanks each containing a drowned Angier.
Cutter, having betrayed Angier, repeats the trick of vanishing the bird for the delight of Borden's daughter. Borden then appears to reclaim his daughter.

The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) Interestingprestige
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Regista-Director:Christopher Nolan
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The Prestige ( Christian Bale - Hugh Jackman - Michael Caine - Scarlett Johansson-Rebecca Hall - Christopher Nolan ) 55569810
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