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» Ambata Bari Napoli
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitimeOggi alle 08:35 Da Angy

» Benvenuto ottobre 2024
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitimeOggi alle 08:28 Da Angy

» Napoli Palermo Tutte
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitimeIeri alle 18:12 Da Angy

» Benvenuto Settembre 2024
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-09-30, 21:34 Da Angy

» Benvenuto Agosto 2024
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-08-24, 08:35 Da Angy

» Ba - Ca ambate + ambo
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-08-22, 16:16 Da titti*

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-08-19, 17:53 Da florinda

» Ba - Ca ambate + ambo
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-08-15, 19:04 Da titti*

» Ba - Ca ambate + ambo
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2024-08-14, 14:57 Da Angy

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lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_lcaplo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Voting_barlo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_rcap 
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_lcaplo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Voting_barlo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_rcap 
I postatori più attivi della settimana
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_lcaplo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Voting_barlo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_rcap 
lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_lcaplo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Voting_barlo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Vote_rcap 
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 lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson

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leonid reznov

Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-17, 15:02

Lo Hobbit - La battaglia delle cinque armate

Lo Hobbit - La battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) è un film fantasy del 2014 diretto da Peter Jackson e scritto da Jackson, Fran WalshPhilippa Boyens e Guillermo del Toro. È il terzo e conclusivo capitolo della trilogia cinematografica basata sul libro Lo Hobbit di J.R.R. Tolkien. È preceduto da Lo Hobbit - Un viaggio inaspettato (2012) e Lo Hobbit - La desolazione di Smaug (2013).

È prodotto da Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, New Line Cinema, Wingnut Films e distribuito dalla Warner Bros. Pictures. InItalia è uscito il 17 dicembre 2014 , con diverse prime proiezioni notturne nazionali in diverse sale a partire da mezza notte e un minuto del giorno 17.[2][3][4]. Il film è uscito lo stesso giorno anche nelle sale cinematografiche degli Stati Uniti.

Come i due precedenti capitoli, il film è distribuito in 2D, 3D, HFR 3D e IMAX 3D.

Bilbo Baggins e la compagnia dei tredici nani guidati da Thorin Scudodiquercia hanno scatenato l'ira del drago Smaugche, uscito dalla montagna, si sta per abbattere su Pontelagolungo. Nel frattempo Gandalf è nelle celle segrete di Dol Guldur dopo essere stato sconfitto e imprigionato dal Negromante che ha preso dimora in quell'antica fortezza riacquistando pian piano potere negli anni dal suo esilio. Proprio lì, nel cuore della fortezza, si sta radunando un esercito di orchi e mannari , capitanati da Azog il profanatore, pronti a scatenare una violenta e sanguinosa guerra ai piedi della Montagna Solitaria non appena verrà dato il segnale dal Signore Oscuro. Intanto gli Elfi Silvani di Bosco Atro, non appena ricevuta la notizia del colpo che è stato inferto al potere del drago, guidati da Re Thranduil, si muovono anch'essi alla Montagna Solitaria per avere una parte del tesoro di Erebor, tesoro che reclamano però anche gli stessi Uomini del lago in merito alla promessa fatta a loro da Thorin. Tutti questi avvenimenti porteranno all'epicaBattaglia dei Cinque Eserciti, dove gli eserciti di Elfi, Nani e Uomini dovranno mettere da parte il desiderio delle ricchezze della montagna e unirsi per evitare di essere sterminati dal vasto esercito di Sauron formato da Orchi e Mannari.

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Hobbit_the_battle_of_the_five_armies_ver2_xlg

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (previously known as The Hobbit: There and Back Again) is a 2014 epic fantasy adventure film, directed by Peter Jackson and written by Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, and Guillermo del Toro. It is the final installment in the three-part film adaptation based on the novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, following An Unexpected Journey (2012) and The Desolation of Smaug(2013). Produced by New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and WingNut Films, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, The Battle of the Five Armies was released in New Zealand on 11 December 2014 and will be released on 17 December 2014 in the United States. It stars Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ken Stott and James Nesbitt. It also features Cate Blanchett, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving and Orlando Bloom.

Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, and his fellow Dwarves watch in despair from the Lonely Mountain as the dragon Smaug incinerates Laketown for their association with the intruders. Bard breaks out of imprisonment and, with help from his son Bain, kills Smaug with the black arrow. As the survivors of Laketown gather on the shore they choose Bard to be their new leader and begin journeying to the ruins of Dale to take shelter and seek aid from the Dwarves. Kili confesses his love for Tauriel before he and the other Dwarves leave to reunite with their company at the Lonely Mountain. Legolas and Tauriel travel north to investiage the strange Orcs they have enountered. Inside Erebor, Thorin endlessly searches for the Arkenstone, having developed "dragon sickness", a madness left on the gold by Smaug. Bilbo, having carried the Arkenstone in his possession all along, agrees with a troubled Balin that it should remain kept away from Thorin. The maddened Thorin commands the dwarves to build a blockade at the entrance of Erebor.

Meanwhile, Galadriel and the other White Council members rescue Gandalf from Dol Guldur. As Radagast evacuates him, Elrond and Saruman hold off the Nazgûl. Sauron appears and tries to tempt Galadriel, but she is able to cast him and the Nazgûl away from the fortress, and they flee to the east. Though Elrond believes they must warn the Free People of the enemy's return, Saruman assures him that Sauron is not a threat without the One Ring.

Azog, marching on Erebor with his vast Orc army, learns from Bolg that an Elf army under Thranduil is also approaching. Azog sends Bolg to Gundabad to summon their remaining forces. Following Bolg, Legolas and Tauriel witness the march of a second massive Orc army and hundreds of giant bats.

When Thranduil’s army arrives in Dale, he forges an alliance with Bard to claim the necklace of white gems from Thorin's treasure. Though Bard attempts to reason with Thorin to avoid further bloodshed, the Dwarf refuses to share any of the treasure, much to his company's dismay. Thorin's madness worsens, and he suspects that one of his company has stolen the Arkenstone. After Gandalf arrives at Dale, Bilbo sneaks out of Erebor to hand the Arkenstone over to Thranduil and Bard to use as a bargaining chip. The next day, Bard and Thranduil's army gather at the gates of Erebor, offering to trade the Arkenstone to Thorin for gold. An infuriated Thorin tries to throw Bilbo off the side of the mountain for his betrayal, but is persuaded by Gandalf to let him go. Thorin once again declines Bard's peace offer when an armored Dwarf company arrives, led by his cousin Dain Ironfoot II. The Dwarves are preparing to attack the Elves when Azog's army makes its appearance, converging on the Dwarves and the city of Dale. With the Orcs outnumbering Dain's army, Thranduil's forces join the battle. Thranduil, Bard, Bilbo and Gandalf assist in the defense of Dale, but the Orcs still outnumber them.

Inside Erebor Thorin refuses to join the battle, insisting on fortifying Erebor and protecting the gold instead of going to the aid of their friends. He falls into a hallucinatory nightmare and struggles to free himself from the dragon sickness. Finally overcoming his madness, Thorin leads his friends into battle. While the other Dwarves of the company aid Dain's forces, Thorin rides towards Ravenhill with Dwalin, Fili, and Kili to kill Azog and eliminate the Orcs' leadership and cause them to retreat.

Realizing that Bolg's approaching army will overrun Ravenhill, Tauriel, Legolas, and Bilbo set off to warn Thorin. On Ravenhill, Azog ambushes the Dwarves and ruthlessly kills Fili, stabbing him and dropping him off a cliff. Bilbo ends up being knocked unconscious as an enraged Thorin battles Azog across a frozen river.

The Great Eagles suddenly appear, carrying Radagast and Beorn into battle, evening the odds against the Orcs. While fighting Bolg Kili is killed and Tauriel is wounded. Legolas comes to her aid and eventually kills Bolg. Thorin manages to sink Azog into the frozen river and assumes him dead, but Azog stabs Thorin in the foot through the ice and resufaces. Thorin, wounded and exhausted, finally kills Azog, but in doing so is mortally wounded.

In the aftermath of the battle, Bilbo and Thorin make peace before Thorin dies from his wounds. A disillusioned Legolas leaves his father to meet up with one of the Dunedain and a heartbroken Tauriel mourns Kili. Bilbo bids farewell to the remaining members of Thorin's company and returns to the Shire with Gandalf. As the two part on the outskirts of the Shire, Gandalf admits to his knowledge of Bilbo having the Ring and, although he does not know its true nature, cautions Bilbo against using it lightly. Bilbo returns to Bag End to find his belongings being auctioned off, Bilbo having been assumed dead during his lengthy absence. Bilbo is forced to prove his identity by his signature on the contract he signed upon joining Thorin's company, and claims Thorin as a friend.

Sixty years later, Bilbo, while reflecting on the past journey on his 111th birthday, receives a surprise knock on the door. When the guest reveals himself to be Gandalf, Bilbo happily runs to greet his very old friend

Peter Jackson


lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810

Ultima modifica di leonid reznov il 2014-12-17, 20:14 - modificato 1 volta.
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Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Lo Hobbit: La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate Trailer Ufficiale Italiano    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-17, 15:05

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810
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leonid reznov

Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-22, 10:35

Lo Hobbit Poster USA 01

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810
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leonid reznov

Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-22, 10:35

Lo Hobbit La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate Tauriel Teaser Character Poster Italia

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810
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leonid reznov

Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-22, 10:36

Lo Hobbit La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate Thorin Teaser Character Poster Italia

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810
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leonid reznov

leonid reznov

Messaggi : 2041
Data d'iscrizione : 23.10.10

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime2014-12-22, 10:36

Lo Hobbit La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate - Banner

lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  55569810
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lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Empty
MessaggioTitolo: Re: lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson    lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate  (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman  - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom  - Peter Jackson  Icon_minitime

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lo hobbit la battaglia delle cinque armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies) - Ian McKellen - Martin Freeman - Richard Armitage - Orlando Bloom - Peter Jackson
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